Chima Ezeilo

Chima is the man behind FunDonor. He is an architect, housing specialist, art promoter and film maker whose focus is to give a voice to the voiceless. He has always felt his calling was to give back and that is the driving force behind FunDonor. He also wants to use it to tackle two concerns: A lack of young people giving and poor accountability within charities. He promises the platform will make donating fun. How? By rewarding young people for doing something they love – engaging through social media.

“I believe young people will love this – being rewarded for having fun? Who wouldn’t”.

Contact;   +44 (0)7472 496699

Trevor Krueger

Trevor Krueger is a playwright, song writer, author, visual media designer and founder of Equal Ability Radio “Big Ear”. An advocate for embracing disabilities through digital media , he has been a Kambani Arts trustee for over 15 years and is keen on FunDonor. He believes that once the initiative beds in and develops a clear structure, the potential to change lives and help young people achieve their goals will be huge.

“FunDonor can be the key to unlocking a brand new wave of youthful energy in charity giving, something that is lacking in the charity sector today”.

Contact   +44 (0)7977 7026533

Joy Oniah

Joy is a FunDonor ambassador. She studied psychology in Uni. She’s quite excited about the role because she can see how appealing and rewarding it will be to young people. She appreciates the celebrity culture, having experienced the thrill of meeting a number of celebrities herself. She thinks FunDonor will appeal to young people who will be rewarded for doing something they love.

“I love social media and I love celebrity. I can’t wait to reach out to Beyonce”

Contact   +44(0) 7713 727274

Sunara Begum

Sunara is a community engagement and youth empowerment advocate. She  works with youth centres and youth clubs where her primary role is to motivate and empower disadvantaged youth, encouraging them to achieve their goals.
Her empathy in outreach and motivation in training are key skills that she utilises in engaging youthful interest, skills key to FunDonor.

“My gift is motivating young people. FunDonor will help me sharpen this gift”.


Tunde Grillo

Tunde has an advisory role with FunDonor on matters relating to charities. He has overseen the incorporation of charities and understands the complexities of structure and governance. He is responsible for creating an accountability framework for any charity that will receive funds through FunDonor. As charity accountability is a founding aim, it is vital that absolute transparency is clear from the outset.

“I want donors to feel confident that their money will make a difference”.


Why not take our FunLEAP challenge!


Here’s what you have to do.

1. Make a selvie* or take a picture of your best Leap. Just like our logo!

2. Share your selvie or picture on social media.

3. Use the hashtag’s #Funleap & #Fundonor.


*selvie: a self video, not a picture. Videos should be 5 secs or less.


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