This page breaks down how contributions made to charities through the FunDonor platform will be disbursed
- Charity 94%
- Ambassador 1%
- FunDonor 5%
Disbursements are explained in more detail below.
- Donations to any charity through the FunDonor platform will be done through $1 contributions (or the international equivalent – currently £0.78 UK).
- Anyone, anywhere can make a $1 contribution. Each $1 contribution is called a token. Anyone may contribute as many tokens as they wish in a single transaction. One token (or more depending on the influencer’s settings) gives the chance to win the experience that the influencer offers.
- Every influencer’s page will last for 30 days on the FunDonor platform. At the end of 30 days, a random token will be chosen and a winner or winners notified. There could be a single or a number of winners depending on what the influencer chooses.
- Donations raised on any influencer’s page will be paid to the influencer’s chosen charity. This applies to each influencer page. Influencer’s can share their donations to a number of their chosen charities but these must be specified when their page is set up.
FunDonor will disburse all funds raised as shown below;
- 94% of all funds raised will be paid to a pre-designated bank account of the chosen charity or charities within 10 days of the influencer’s page closing. This is dependent on the charity signing up to and agreeing to comply with FunDonor’s tracking and transparency protocol. (The future goal is to engage match funding contributions from companies or organisations sanctioned by the influencer. In such cases, companies or organisations will be permitted to endorse the influencer’s FunDonor page and/or any activities ring fenced to the promotion of the influencer experience. In all match funded promotions, a minimum of 100% equivalent contributions will be guaranteed as contributions to chosen charities. More will be likely).
- 5% of funds raised goes to FunDonor to administer the FunDonor experience. This is considerably less than similar platforms, enabling enhanced funding for charities.
- 1% of funds raised will be paid to the ambassador/s that either referred the influencer or was referred by the influencer. This is capped at a maximum of $1,000 (per ambassador/ per influencer page). Anything further will be paid into the ambassador’s personal token bank that they can only use to donate to charity, fund a charitable act, engage in acts of kindness or contribute to their educational development. Administration of an ambassadors banked tokens will be overseen by FunDonor and may only be disbursed to registered charities and verified academic institutions.